[21] Active genes, which are generally found in the euchromatic

But many of these treatments do not have the scientific support needed for widespread recommendation. An unproven treatment might help one child, but may not help another. Such changes may include using vitamins or mineral supplements or removing certain foods from a child’s diet.

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side effects of steroids There are two types of chromatin. Euchromatin is the less compact DNA form, and contains genes that are frequently expressed by the cell.[18] The other type steroids,heterochromatin, is the more compact form, and contains DNA that is infrequently transcribed. This structure is further categorized into facultative heterochromatin, consisting of genes that are organized as heterochromatin only in certain cell types or at certain stages of development steroids, and constitutive heterochromatin that consists of chromosome structural components such as telomeres and centromeres.[19] During interphase the chromatin organizes itself into discrete individual patches,[20] calledchromosome territories.[21] Active genes, which are generally found in the euchromatic region of the chromosome, tend to be located towards the chromosome’s territory boundary.[22]. side effects of steroids

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